Sport England strategy - final consultation

Sport England are launching an online platform for the final phase of our strategy consultation.

Over the last few months they have listened and reflected on your views to identify key themes and are excited to share what they have learnt so far.

The online platform will host a series of engagement opportunities and they would love you to sign up to take part.

While the wording is being finalised, the strategy, which has tackling inequalities at its core, will focus on these major themes:

  • Recover and reinvent

    Recovering from the biggest shock to the status quo in a lifetime, Covid-19, and reinventing as a vibrant and sustainable network of organisations providing sport and physical activity opportunities that meet the needs of different people.

  • An active life for a healthy life

    Strengthening the connection between sport and physical activity and health and wellbeing, to enable more people to live an active life so they can live and age well.

  • Positive experiences for children and young people

    Unrelenting focus on positive experiences as the foundations for an active life.

  • Strengthening communities

    Focusing on sport and physical activity’s ability to create greater community development and social integration.

  • Active environments

    Creating the places and spaces that make it easier for people to be active.

Sport England believe sport and physical activity has a significant role to play in improving the physical and mental health of the nation, supporting the economy and reconnecting communities. They want to play a significant part in that.

After almost 18 months of research and consultation - during which they listened and reflected on the views of interested parties who’ve offered invaluable contributions as they developed our new strategy – its publication will be an important moment for Sport England and the partners they work with and rely on to deliver sport and physical activity across England.

How to take part

The consultation platform has a series of online activities, open discussions and live events.

Online activities and discussions are already open and available for you to complete from the homepage. Live events will run for 30-45 minutes, on a weekly basis, and you’ll be invited to join the ones you’re interested in.

Feel free to contribute as much or as little as you’d like and check back in over the four-week period to see how the consultation is developing. You can respond to the online activities all at once or you can complete them over the course of this consultation period.