Thank-you to all of our Incredible Volunteers

We’ve had great fun hearing some incredible stories from our volunteering heroes this week!

Freda Bussey, Pete Bragg, Donald Deans & Herman Prada all gave up their time to share their fantastic volunteering stories, so a huge ‘thank-you’ to each of them. If you’ve missed the interviews, you can catch up by scrolling back through our previous ‘News’ stories, or heading to our social media platforms.

But, we can’t wave ‘goodbye’ to National Volunteers’ Week without a special shout-out to the remarkable volunteers behind the Volleyball England Foundation.

Without the hard work, commitment & dedication each of our volunteers give week in, week out, the Foundation wouldn’t be thriving, and in the place it is today. So, a huge thank-you to those who work so hard behind the scenes, here at the Foundation.