The funding is out there. - well done Stowmarket VC

Over the last few months the Foundation has been building and refreshing its links to potential funding opportunities across the country. It’s not always good to look at the BIG sporting funders like Sport England because there are so many other sporting organisation and clubs looking in the same direction.

It’s good to hear how one club followed up a link from the Foundation and managed secure funding.

This week we were delighted to hear from Andrew Whitefield at Stowmarket VC. He told us “I’m delighted to be able to let you know about a £2,500 Suffolk Community Restart Fund grant that Stowmarket VC were awarded that can be added to the Foundation’s totaliser, The grants was used to upgrade the equipment at Stowupland High School so that we can set up nets at different heights across the length of the hall at Stowupland and to help us launch our Bring Your Own Grown-Up Volley2s sessions aimed at children aged 7-11 and their parents / uncles / aunties / grandparents etc.” That’s amazing Andrew and what a great idea Bring Your Own Grown-Up is something other clubs might be interested in doing.

In addition to the £2, 500 the club also received funding from the Ron Ames Memorial Sports Fund of £750 which meant that they could go for better posts.

Andrew told us that he launched the sessions softly in the autumn whilst waiting for all the equipment to arrive and that gave them a chance to familiarise themselves with the Volley 2s programme before opening up more widely. Andrew said “ I'm pleased that of the fifteen people we've introduced Volley 2s so far only one has not been back and I'm hopeful they will return now we are ready to start advertising more widely.”

 If you would like to apply for funding locally through your Community Foundation find out more here