The Sport for Development Coalition

The Sport for Development Coalition (SFDC) is a growing ‘Movement’ of charities, governing bodies, funders and delivery organisations who all believe in the power of sport and physical activity to act as effective tools for intervention when generating positive social outcomes. The SFDC aims to provide evidence of this, especially to other sectors – such as health, criminal justice or education – and to funders seeking more efficient solutions for society’s biggest problems. If your organisation supports our Charter and wishes to join the Movement, please fill in the form below. You will receive monthly communications and Board updates from the Operations team.

Join the Movement!

When you sign up to the SFDC, you are joining the Movement of organisations who endorse and adopt its Charter. This means that you will:

  1. Actively demonstrate, and advocate for the intentional use of sport and/or physical activity to generate positive social outcomes. Our purpose is to drive social change through sport, over and above activation and participation.

  2. Be open to working in collaboration with other organisations (sport and non-sport) to achieve common objectives and shared outcomes.

  3. Collect, build and share evidence of what works, and what doesn’t, when using sport and/or activity for positive social outcomes.  

  4. Commit to positively engaging with the SFDC and its activities, supporting the empowerment and capacity-building of others in order to broaden the Movement’s collective impact.

  5. Commit to building a diverse pool of talent that reflects, and is representative of society. This should relate to all areas of your work, including your workforce, your participants and your delivery partners.

  6. Help to develop and use a common language and wider understanding of Sport for Development especially amongst other key sectors such as health and criminal justice. Where necessary, this will draw on relevant frameworks such as the DCMS Sporting Future strategy or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  7. Subscribe to the principle of a two-way relationship with the SFDC where you both offer and have access to support, knowledge, experience, services and opportunities.

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