UK Sport CEO commits to tackling racial inequality

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UK Sport Chief Executive, Sally Munday, personally reflects on the Black Lives Matter campaign & commits to driving meaningful change.  

The events we have seen around the world over the last couple of weeks have challenged many of us. I have spoken to and heard from many colleagues who are angry, sad, frustrated or shocked. I have over this couple of weeks shared all of those feelings. It has been a period of reflection for me: to consider what possible role UK Sport, as a leadership body, and I, as their CEO can play in tackling racism, which clearly has no place in the sports we all know and love or in our society more broadly.

I abhor racism and discrimination of all forms and am proud to lead an organisation that is committed to diversity, inclusion and equality.

What I have also realised however, is that right now, this moment is very specifically about racism.

It doesn’t mean the wider issues in diversity, inclusion and equality aren’t important, it is just that right now, this has to be about racism and how we can use this moment to make a real, sustained change in our society.

In my mind, there are three things I believe UK Sport can and must do together with our partners across the sporting family, in the days, weeks and months ahead.

Firstly, I believe we should listen, learn and do all we can to understand the issues and the experiences of racism

CEO UK Sport full document