“Volleyball can transform lives... and create a sense of fulfilment and belonging.”

Great article in The Times about Elaine Brown, the Volleyball England Coach of the Year and nominated in the Sunday Times Sports Women of the Year.

‘Our attitude is: you’re my team-mate, you’re my girl, I’ve got you’ said Elaine.

The Times Article

When she moved to the UK, the first thing Elaine Brown did was find a volleyball club. “Volleyball communities are so welcoming — it’s a nice way to meet people and socialise,” she says. “I really love the team dynamic — you always have someone to support you. It’s a very emotional sport.”

Brown, 33, was born in Texas and introduced to volleyball by her mother, who played at university. When she arrived at the University of Lincoln to study her masters, and later moved to Leeds to set up a permanent base with her partner, she knew the sport would help her start her new life.

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