Volleyball England Annual Awards 2020

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Volleyball England Annual Awards 2020

Looking forward to finding out who this years winners are in the Volleyball England Annual Awards.

Because of COVID 19, the awards this year will be presented over a week starting on Monday, 21st September  presented by Clayton Lucas 

The awards will acknowledge and  honour the work of our amazing volleyball volunteers who once agan gone above and beyond to support their clubs, players and the volleyball family.

A new category this year, which has been something to engage us during lockdown will be the Golden Trick Shot after being inspired by the community’s creative home workouts and drills during lockdown. Three of the best entries will vie for the public’s vote on social media during Annual Awards Week and the one that receives the most votes will be crowned our Golden Trick Shot Champion.

You can catch every minute of the Annual Awards by going to the Volleyball England Facebook page. at 7pm every day next week? 

So who is up on Monday?

  • Young Coach of the Year

    Elizabeth Carrick (Leeds Gorse); Adam Wake (Sheffield); Jack Matthews (Black Country, Stourbridge)

  • Coach of the Year

    Alex Burdett (UK Armed Force’s Men); Elaine Brown (Leeds Gorse); Darren Lewis (Boswells, England Cadet Girls)

Good luck everyone - you are all amazing and even thought there is only one winner, you are all winners to us your Volleyball Family.

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