Volleyball England Foundation

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Volleyball England launch 'The Game Plan'.

Today Volleyball England launched their plan for the development of the sport over the next 10 years.

The Foundation will be working alongside Volleyball England to help deliver the aspirations of the plan.

The Foundation will continue to support club development through the sitting volleyball campaign that was launched during the summer.as part of ‘The Game Plan’ Get. Keep. Grow element: to strengthen the English volleyball club structure by working hand in hand with clubs to help them achieve their ambitions.

Call to action

To mark the launch of ‘The Game Plan’, Volleyball England has released a player survey to collect more information on the biggest segment of the volleyball community.

Better data and insights are a key pillar of the new strategy, and this new information – combined with existing records from the membership portal VolleyZone – will help the sports body to better understand the wants and needs of the community.

Please click here to fill out the survey and help us to collect as much data as possible by sharing with fellow volleyball players.

Want to know more?

Head to our dedicated webpage on 'The Game Plan' here.