Volleyball England Foundation

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Volleyball England Foundation receives another funding pot to support sitting volleyball development.

The Volleyball England Foundation today found out they have again been successful in securing funding to support future sitting volleyball development, encouraging young people into the game, when we come out of lockdown.

The Foundation have received the grant from the Bruce Wake Charitable Foundation. The Charitable Trust was established to encourage and assist the provision of leisure activities for the disabled.

The Trustees at Bruce Wake considered our applications related to the planned development of sitting volleyball clubs linked to our current community clubs, supporting disabled individuals.

Simone Turner Chair of the Volleyball England Foundation is delighted that we have once again been successful with one of our applications. “ As we come out of lockdown we will be looking to work with a number of clubs, who are keen to add sitting volleyball to the menu of activities offered in their club. We will be sharing an application process shortly on our website. The grant of £2,500 will be added to the £1,000 Movement for Good grant we received last week and will be used to provide training and equipment.”

The Foundation will continue to look for additional funding to help support the development of volleyball clubs.

If you need support applying for funding feel free to contact us on foundation@volleyballengland.org