We're Celebrating 'National Trustee Week' !

We’d like to say a HUGE ‘thank-you’ to all the incredible Volleyball England Foundation Trustees’.

We’re so grateful, every single day, for the voluntary work done by our board, however National Trustee Week (7th-11th November) seemed like a perfect time to give them the shout out they deserve.

We’re lucky enough to have 12 trustees’ supporting us day in, day out, with regular meetings both online and in person!

Without the assistance and dedication of each of these people, the Foundation wouldn’t be in the position it is today. Each member is vital to the work we do, and we therefore wouldn’t be supporting the wider community, if it wasn’t for the innovative work of the individuals we have.

But, what do the Trustees’ like best about the Foundation?

Janet - “The other board members. It’s great to work with such a dedicated and knowledgeable group. Also, supporting the volleyball network, providing resources and support to those who need it”.

Ian - “Its ability to reach out and help all sections of the community engage in the great sport of volleyball!”.

Manni - “The people! It’s great to be part of a team so passionate about making a difference and growing the sport”.

Simone - “The fantastic group of people we have associated with us, be it the board, our ambassadors and our incredible volunteers. These individuals are the reason why we've made it through the difficult COVID period and continue to proudly serve our community today”.

Joelle - “It’s purpose and understanding of the impact team sports can have on our welfare, underpinned with a down-to-earth, no nonsense approach from a diverse and talented Board”.

Simone, Janet, Manni, David, Ian, Joelle, Steve W, Bev, Anand, Steve M, Greg, & Steve S …Thank-you!

Izzy DonsonTrustee