We've been chatting to Adam Walker, Chair of Volleyball England

Despite his busy work schedule, we’ve had a little chat with Adam Walker, about his role within Volleyball England, and how he feels the Foundation helps to add value to their work.

Adam, how long have you worked for Volleyball England?

“ I have been Chair of VE for 5 and a ½ years “.

What’s included in your job role as Chair of Volleyball England?

“ I lead the Board and CEO in the development and implementation of the organisations strategy, and budget. I act as the head of the organisation at national and international events and work closely with CEV and FIVB. I work with key stakeholders in government, sport England and commercial partners etc to access funds and increase our influence. I support the exec team with duties as and when required “.

How do you feel the Foundation adds value to the work done by Volleyball England?

“ The foundation provides an invaluable vehicle for the sport. It allows the sport to access charitable funding to support the development and delivery of social value projects. Its vital that VE and VEF are closely aligned in everything they do “.

Thank-you for your time, Adam!

Izzy Donson