What did Gary Beckford, Chair of London Volleyball, think was his weakest skill?


1.    How were you first introduced to Volleyball?

I was first introduced to volleyball at 6th form in Leyton in 1982.  It was the first year that Volleyball was to be included in the London Youth Games competition and the coach decided to convert a successful basketball team to a not so successful volleyball team. Our debut match at the LYG was against a strong Newham girls team (Sarah Bonnell school) that included players who went on to represent England.  We lost 15-0. 

2.    What was the most difficult skill to master on court?

When I started playing NVL, I always started at position 1 or 6 and this was because I just couldn’t get the ball over the net from the serve.  This was more of a mental block rather than a physical thing.  Now at 55 serving is about the only thing that I can do reasonably well on the court and it has taken 35 years to get it right.

3.    What makes you most proud of our Volleyball Family?

We are everywhere, the volleyball family stretches around the world, from the beaches of Jamaica to the mountains in Nepal.  It covers decades of friendships, always welcoming and so friendly.

4.    What was your greatest Volleyball achievement?

I have been privileged to have been involved with some awesome people and athletes over the years, but I get a buzz out of seeing other people enjoy themselves and achieving their potential.  Seeing players, whose journey I have been a part of, step out at London 2012 in the indoor male and female teams and the sitting volleyball male and female teams was just amazing. 

5.    What are you missing most during the lockdown?

Not being able to put on the 16th All Nations tournament.

6.    What are you looking forward to most once the lockdown is over?

The lockdown has given me time to reflect and to plan.  I am looking forward to turning some of my thoughts and hopes into reality.  

Thanks Gary - great to hear from you, I know you are working hard in London.

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