What does the Foundation do?

Volleyball England Foundation was established in 2010, to give more people the opportunity to play volleyball.

How does the Foundation do that?

By securing funding to support the development and delivery of projects and programmes.

What kind of projects?

The Foundation has been working with clubs to help apply for funding - last year over 120 clubs received support through the Sport England ‘Return to Play’ funding stream, the funding paid for equipment, training and infection control kits.

The Foundation also worked with clubs to develop sitting volleyball teams.

We have also been supporting the development of young people as volunteers.

What future projects are the Foundation planning?

Funding has been secured to develop 2 new projects - a project to work with clubs to develop an inclusive environment that is open to people from an LGBTQ+ background. The other project is working with Aston Villa Football Foundation to deliver volleyball to youth groups in and around the Football Club.

How can you help the Foundation and support others to experience volleyball?

The Foundation runs a number of fundraising activities, we recently made a bucket collection at the national finals and ran a charity auction. We apply for grant funding and accept donations.

At the moment we are asking for your support, by nomination the Foundation for the Movement for Good funding - its quick and easy, costs nothing and takes 2 minutes - please help us to support others. Nominate now

If you want to support the work that the foundation does feel free to donate through the website, our JustGiving page or in the buckets at volleyball events.

Thank you in advanced.