"Where Are They Now?" - Amy Porter

Amy Porter

What were you doing before you went to VE?

“I was a student at Loughborough University studying Sport & Leisure Management. I applied for a role at VE whilst revising for my final year exams. I found out I got the job the same day I found out my degree result and started the week of my graduation!”

What attracted you to the role at VE?

“I didn’t know anything about VE to start with, it was a fluke passing conversation with the Loughborough Volleyball Club Chairman at the time, who asked me what I was doing once I graduated that I first knew about VE. I was ‘that student’ who didn’t know what I was doing once I left uni, he mentioned there was a job being advertised at VE and forwarded me the application link. Originally I was attracted to the role as it was based in Loughborough and was linked to a sport that I had fallen in love with whilst in my final year at university. It was the perfect stepping stone into full time employment as a very recent graduate”.

What role did you have at VE?

“I worked through quite a few different roles during my time at VE. I started in an administration role – answer the phone, sorting the post and sifting through all NVL scoresheets and player registrations. I’m always grateful for starting in this role as it gave me the foundation of knowledge to build on which created so many more opportunities for me. During my six years at BUCS my roles varied from marketing to competitions and events and finally as the Go Spike Campaign Manager. It allowed me to get involved in all areas of delivery at some point during this time, from Cup Finals, Inter-regionals, VEBT, lead editor for 3Touch magazine, creating the Volleyball England Hall of fame, role out of the new branding and creating a new participation campaign to name just a few!

I also took on a number of additional volunteer roles, supporting the GB teams within the role as Team Liaison, Team Manager for a number of UK School Games England teams and Athlete Services Team Leader at London 2012”.

What was your favourite part of the role?

“The atmosphere of Cup Finals weekend was always a particular favourite. It didn’t matter what role I was there to do, there was always something special in knowing you had been involved in creating an opportunity that for many volleyballers would be a highlight of their sporting career, or for many a stepping stone to greater things. There was always a huge team effort in putting on Cup Finals too, not just from staff but from some incredible volunteers and I loved just being in the mix of it all. I have enjoyed being there as a spectator this year .

My other favourite part of my time at VE was creating the Volleyball England Hall of fame. There are some incredibly talented individuals that have driven our sport to where it is today and to recognise and remember who they are was a huge privilege”.


Where did you go after leaving VE?

“I left VE in July 2013 and started work as a Development Manager at British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS), focusing on working with multiple NGBs to support them to implement products, programmes or initiatives into universities to increase student participation levels across the UK”.

What is your current role?

“I am still at BUCS (10 years later…!). Since February 2020 I have had the role as Head of Development overseeing a fantastic team delivering member services to universities across the UK to enhance the student experience through being active and focusing on People Development within Higher Education. Alongside this, I also have a fulltime role of being a mum to two incredible little girls”.

What has been your lasting memory of being part of VE?

“The people. It was never just a job. I lived with volleyballers, played and volunteered in the sport -as did others that I worked with. I am still in touch with many of the people I worked with and lots of volunteers and players that I linked closely with in the volleyball community… it’s also where I met my husband, so I’m literally married to the sport!”

Thank-you for your time Amy!