Volleyball England Foundation

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CEV School webinar series 2020

The CEV Technical and Development Department is delighted to launch a second series of webinars featuring four high-profile speakers to help inspire anyone working at the grassroots level in their efforts to grow the game. Make sure you register through this link https://schoolprojectwebinarseries2020.cev.eu/ to join friends, colleagues and members of the Volleyball family from across Europe for such an exciting educational programme! Before each webinar, the participants will receive a separate email with the Zoom invitation.

“Give them a Love of the Game”The series, which follows on the tremendous success of the webinars hosted back in June, will get underway on August 13 with a highly anticipated session featuring John Kessel. Kessel, a true coaching legend from USA who has been associated with the sport since 1971 and worked for decades at USA Volleyball, will provide the attendees with many insights into how to inspire kids and grow their love of the game, making sure the children you coach are always eager and happy to learn new things!