Volleyball England Foundation

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Congratulations to David Williamson on being recognised by the Shaw Trust.

This week it was announced that David has been nominated as one of the 100 most influential disabled people in Britain by the Shaw Trust.

David said “I'm very proud to announce that I've been named as a finalist for the @ShawTrust Power 100, which lists Britain's most influential disabled people.”

David was born without tibia bones in each leg which led to both legs being amputated through the knee when I was a few months old in 1979.

He has played over 400 games  for South Hants. (previously Portsmouth) Sitting Volleyball - both here at home and abroad - and coached their development team before moving to Northamptonshire and taking on the role of Head Coach at Sitting Bucks Volleyball Club.

Outside of the volleyball court David have completed 5 Great South Runs and 33 marathons including the Brighton Marathon and 30 marathons in 30 consecutive days (#30in30). Here is a video of David on day 16.

David told us “ Being nominated is staggering. Although he has been nominated for other awards (Pride of Britain, Brave Briton, National Diversity Awards) this came out of the blue and when you look at the other people who have been on the Shaw Trust Power 100 there are some real heavy hitters from the sporting, entertainment and activist worlds. It's a real honour. “

David was unveiled as the Head Coach at Sitting Bucks during the club AGM on June 22. He had been speaking to Steve Smith, the club founder, about it for a little while and both felt it was an excellent opportunity for both David, the club and the players. David told us about training “So far training has been restrict to Zoom sessions which bring new challenges but we've all mucked it and the attitude of the players that have been involved have been key in making it work. That said, we are all very much looking forward to getting back on court but only when it is safe to do so. The safety of the players is always my first consideration.”

David would like to acknowledge the support from another sitting volleyball coach, “I've also received huge support from Richard Osborne. Richard was my coach for 8 years at South Hants, and is the Head Coach at the GB Development Group and Team UK Invictus Games Sitting Volleyball team and I'm extremely fortunate to know that I can always reach out to him.”

Volleyball England Foundation would like to pass on its congratulation to David and wish him all the best.