Hall Of Fame - Carol Gordon

Hall of Fame...

Carol Gordon - International Coach, 1996 - 2015

Carol's first words were, "Hmmm very difficult to pick out particular moments as I have been lucky enough to have so so many!"

What was your greatest volleyball achievement?

"To me, my greatest achievement was making the grade to play National League and play my part in an amazing squad of great players. I was lucky enough to have played with some of the best…training sessions were as fierce as the games. In the late 1990’s and early 2000 with Malory…making many a Cup Final. I also played a little beach, and won Weymouth in 1989 with Shelna Sinte and Nancy Dome…yes a sub was allowed and we played on a 9 by 9m court and only won points on your serve!!"

Do you have a moment in volleyball that you're most proud of?

"I was extremely proud to be part of the National Squad programme both as Men's Team manager for England and GB, then as Head coach for Cadet boys. As a coach, I had many brilliant experiences, but this photo (picture 2) is when we took our first international set in NEVZA and boys became men. I am pleased to say many of this group are still playing and influencing the game today!"

What made you pick volleyball right at the beginning?

"My early sporting life started as a county Netball and Hockey player…my first national cup final at Crystal Palace was as a GK and this picture was in the Telegraph (picture 3). When I got to University I tried all other sports (e.g. rugby & cricket) but this volleyball game blew my mind away because we use our body as our implement and the mental side of the game is insane, it is Physical Chess and some! Once I started, I loved the game and the people involved, and couldn’t get enough. Playing volunteering I am a qualified referee a Level 3 FIVB coach have travelled the world with the game and was so proud to be a Gamesmaker 2012: London Olympic Games."

What is your favourite thing about the sport?

"The greatest thing about this sport is the people. I can stay anywhere in the world because of this sport. For me, it is THE MOST INCLUSIVE SPORT in the world bar none..."

What advice would you give someone who is just starting out in the volleyball world?

"Work hard always…snap up all opportunities to learn, score, referee, volunteer, go watch other teams/other coaches! They all shape your philosophy. Keep growing and developing be courageous to try new methods."