Sportset - Time to say Goodbye.

Unfortunately Sportset have made the decision to close.

Sportset have been big part of our Volleyball family for many years and the decision to close was incredibly hard to make. Building it up to what it is now has been a pleasure and such an exciting journey that regrettably has come to an end.

The relationships that Sportset have made with their customers are more than they could have ever asked for and they want to thank each and every one of the Volleyball family for their support, loyalty and friendship over the last 33 years. Sportset have met so many amazing people along the way, have made connections that they know will be with them for life and will take with them into our new venture of retirement.

While they begin to wrap things up over the next two months, there will be no restocking of any items so make sure you get everything you need while you still can. This may be the last time you can buy some of their products, once they are gone, they’re gone!

Sportset would not be where we are today without the support of the Volleyball Community and they want to express our gratitude for everything.

All items must be sold so grab a bargin - Sportset

Thank you from Nick, Tracy & Yazmin