Volleyball England Foundation

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Latest Figures from our Work with the Aston Villa Football Foundation

For almost a year now, the Volleyball England Foundation have been working in partnership with the Aston Villa Football Foundation (a registered charity that delivers sport into their local communities).

The Aston Villa Foundation is now delivering volleyball, funded through Volleyball England and the Sport England, Birmingham Commonwealth Games Legacy I and D fund, to local groups around the club to provide opportunities to achieve its mission of ‘Working Together to Enrich Lives’.

Thanks to lots of hard work going into the project, these are the latest figures we have from last term (Christmas to Easter) :

Schools we have delivered Volleyball in are:
- Albert Bradbeer Primary School
- Birchwood Primary School
- Hollyfield Primary School
- Little Sutton Primary School
- Osborne Primary School
- William Murdoch Primary School

378 Children.
Ages 5-11.
50% M, 50% F.
64% White, 13% Asian, 23% Black.

Volleyballs have also been donated to 2 additional schools:
- St John & Peters Primary School
- St Thomas Primary School

We also have some fantastic photographs below, from the AV coaches, doing their training!

Fantastic work everyone!