Volleyball England Foundation

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Lincoln Imps delighted to have the right equipment to 'Return to Play.'

Following the announcement of the Government’s four-step roadmap to ease restrictions across England and provide a route back to a more normal way of life Volleyball England has been working with the DCMS on the detail of what that would look like for all disciplines of volleyball. We know that as we ease out of lockdown each step will be assessed against four tests before we get back to a new level of normality, this will start with the return of schools on 8 March.

As part of the preparations for getting players back on court Volleyball England and the Foundation announced yesterday that they had secured funding from the Sport England Return to Play fund to purchase the specialist COVID compliant nets to be used by sitting volleyball.

Keith Hill from Lincoln Imps sitting volleyball club expressed his thanks to all concerned.

'“ I have  missed sitting volleyball over the last 12 months particularly the social aspect that our weekly training session provided, as well as the opportunity to take exercise with others. We have stayed in touch through telephone calls, text messages and social media, but it will be fantastic to get back on court, pick up our training and look forward competing with other teams as soon as it is possible. 

The new net will of course mean that, once lockdown measures restricting us from gathering indoors, are lifted we will be able to resume training. The net will combine with  other safety measures to help reduce the risk of transmitting any virus between members of the group. With measures in place our participant will feel more reassured taking part. 

 On behalf of our club and the sitting community please pass our thanks to all those that have been involved in helping sitting volleyballers get back on court..”