Volleyball England Foundation

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National Volunteer Week 2022

Did you know that this week (1st to 7th of June) is National Volunteer Week?

Without the army of amazing volunteers there would be no Volleyball in England. It is the volunteer workforce that put out equipment, pump up balls, wash kit, book halls, manage the media, coach and officiate to name just a few jobs that volleyball volunteers do. Over the next week we are going to profile a volleyball volunteer each day.

Today we would like to thank James Murphy for all he does to support the development and delivery of Volleyball. So who is James Murphy?

James has given so much back to the volleyball community over the years. He is the Work Stream Lead for Volleyball England’s Competitions Working Group, helping to deliver and develop national competitions such as the NVL. Drawing on his experience in the field, he chairs the IT advisory panel and advises on digital transformation. Amongst other roles and responsibilities, in the past year he has also played a leading role in Volleyball England’s Return to Play Working Group. And he does it all as a volunteer.

“He is a fantastic asset to Volleyball England and deserves recognition for the time and effort he expends in support of the sport in this country,” said one nominator. They added that his contribution to volleyball has been “immeasurable”.

 On being named Volunteer of the Year, James said: “I feel immensely humble and slightly embarrassed to be nominated for this award and would like to acknowledge the support of all the other volunteers out there; I am pleased to accept this award on behalf of all volunteers.

“It has been great to be able to give back to the sport that I have been a part and loved for the past 30 years.

“Volleyball always needs more volunteers and even if you only have an hour week, I would ask you to consider volunteering, your contribution will be so worthwhile and rewarding. Your volleyball community will be eternally grateful.”

 We asked James a few questions about his volunteering.

What was your first volunteer experience? Competition Secretary for Essex Volleyball Association

  1. Who was it that encouraged you to become a volunteer?

    There was a job that needed to be done, so I stepped up.

  2. What roles have you undertaken as a volunteer?

    Just about everything -Team Captain, Referee, Coach, Club Treasurer

  3. What has been your most enjoyable volunteering experience?

    That’s easy its my current role as Competition Lead for Volleyball England.

  4. What have you gained / learnt from being a volunteer?

    So much, there is a major difference between managing volunteers and managing staff, it is significantly more challenging and more rewarding to manage volunteers.

  5. Is there one volunteering experience you have on your bucket list?

    I would love to volunteer at an Olympic Games, although Volunteering at the Commonwealth Games will probably tick this box.

Thank you James for sharing your story and being an amazing volunteer for Volleyball.