National Volunteer Week -Profile No.3 Piotr Makowski

National Volunteer Week - profile No.3 Piotr Makowski,

Piotr Makowski ,is a beach volleyball coach from Skyball Beach Volleyball Club.

Piotr is one of the co-founder of the Skyball Beach VC club and he has been organising the Yorkshire Series - a series of tournaments that have taken place since 2015.

During the pandemic and as we came out of lockdown, Piotr has been greatly involved in coaching junior players on the beach (even during days when freezing cold and blowing a gale).

He also arranged extra training on his village green so players could continue to train as regularly as possible before the start of the UKBT Junior Championship at Sandbanks.

Piotr has also worked hard to organise as many outdoor tournaments as possible during the spring / summer, when outdoor activity was allowed to return, to get everyone back to competitive playing in the North of England.

A huge thank you for all you have done Piotr from our Volleyball Family.