South Shields Beach Volleyball Tournament

The sun is out and there is exciting news for you all.

South Shields Beach Volleyball Tournament will run over the weekend of 26th and 27th June on the fantastic stretch of golden sand at Sandhaven Beach, South Shields.

The format will be the same as previous years:

Men’s 2’s and Women’s 2’s on the Saturday

Mixed 4’s (1 woman or junior MUST be on court at all times) on Sunday

Sunday will also have the Mixed ‘fun’ knockout 2 aside over lunchtime (entries made on the day)

Slight changes to entries and information due to the issues regarding the past 18 months but I know you’re all desperate to play volleyball so why not enter our small but very friendly tournament?

Entries will be via the website.

Costs will remain the same too:

£15 per 2 aside team

£20 per 4 aside team

Mixed 2’s on 27th £2 per player

Payments are to be made by bank transfer to:

Newcastle Volleyball Club

Sort code: 40-17-41

Account no: 41386727

Please make sure you make your name clear

Closing date: Thursday 24th June but preferably earlier

Looking forward to seeing everyone down on the beach enjoying themselves but please ensure you are showing no Covid-19 symptoms or self isolating. If your situation changes after sending in your entry, then please let us know.

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