Richard Osbourne on the Invictus Games & the first Sitting Grand Prix of the Season!

Straight from the Invictus Games, we interviewed Richard Osbourne!

What was your role at the Invictus Games?

“I was principally Team UK’s Sitting Volleyball Coach; however, the coaches operate a buddy system and so at the start of the week I was helping the Athletics coaches during their competitions.  After that, I reverted to coaching the sitting volleyball team which included scouting the other teams, delivering training for Team UK and all the other ad hoc tasks that go with the role”.

What was a personal highlight of the Invictus Games?

“There were a couple in fact.  In the run up to the Games I had been offering coaching advice to Team Ukraine and so it was fantastic to have a friendly game with them before the competition started and was a great experience for my team.  The infectious positivity and happiness of Team Nigeria was also something to behold.  This year, there were two Unconquered Teams that had entered the sitting volleyball competition.  These are teams that could not field their own team but nevertheless wanted to take part in the competition.  One of these unconquered teams comprised mostly players from Denmark and there was a moment where it looked like the organisers were not going to permit them to play.  With some quick action I was able to find some more players for both Unconquered teams which meant they were both able to compete.  The Invictus Games is all about overcoming challenges and working together, and so it was fitting that we were able to do just that to ensure nobody missed out”. 

How do you feel the first Sitting Grand Prix of the season has gone?

“Firstly, it was pleasing to see 9 teams taking part, including Nottingham Casualties for the first time, and the level of competition was very high which is borne out by the close scores, especially in Tier 1.  The Grand Prix is always played in an upbeat atmosphere and it would be incredible if other teams gave it a go.  It has potential to be a very successful competition but it needs more sitting volleyball clubs to be created and to take part”.

Do you have any other exciting plans coming up in the volleyball season?

“My immediate focus now is on the European Championships, which take place in Caorle, Italy from 9-15 October.  GB Women will be taking part in an attempt to secure one of the last remaining spots for the Paralympics.  Thereafter, I am hoping to take members of the GB Development Group to the Copenhagen Cup at the beginning of November for its first foray into overseas competition.  It’s an exciting time to be involved in the sport and the signs for success are encouraging”.

Amazing! Thank-you for your time, Richard!

View some exclusive photographs from the Invictus Games on our social media platforms / previous ‘News’ post on our website!