Volleyball England Foundation

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SideOut invitation to celebrate their 10th Brthday.

Celebrating with a Birthday weekend of Volleyball - from Saturday 28th - Monday 30th of August: SideOut want to share their 10th Birthday Weekend with you.


Dear #SideOutFamily, we're so excited to be hitting such a great milestone together and we are so grateful for the love and support you've all shown us since day 1!

We would love it if you would come and celebrate with us on 28-30 August 2021 at Leyton Beach. Whether you want to compete, play, watch, eat, drink, party - or all of the above - this is a weekend not to be missed!

What's on the menu?

London Grand Slam (UK Beach Tour 5* tournament)

10th Birthday tournament on Sunday (UK Beach Tour 3*)

Party on Sunday night

FREE AYCP and "winner takes all" fun tournament on Monday

Check out all the details >> https://sideout.club/10-years-anniversary.html

We can’t wait to see you there!

I’m sure you will all join with the Foundation in wishing SideOut a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and look forward to many more years of great volleyball.