Steve Jones, Head Coach of GB Women's Sitting team remembers London 2012

Looking back to the Paralympics, Steve Jones remembers his time as the Head Coach of the GB Women’s Sitting Volleyball Team. “It was an amazing experience, being part of the team competing at the EXCEL Centre on the banks of the River Thames. I made so many amazing lifelong friends, it was great working together as a team on and off the court, I was so proud of the players and staff team that supported us all.” said Steve.

Steve Jones, back row on the far left.

Steve told us about the role of the Games Makers that supported the his and every other 2012 event, “The Games Makers or volunteers were the heart beat of any large event and can certainly made visitors feel more at ease when visiting from abroad or more locally, they were always there to help with a smile and helping hand.”

Steve told us that he had stayed in touch with a large network of friends connected with the London 2012 Games, including Games Makers and other Coaches from around the world.

Steve has continued as a volunteer in Volleyball and is looking forward to being a volunteer at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham next week. Steve will be part of the Field of Play team preparing the courts for the athletes to excel.

Thank you Steve for your continues support and being part of our Volleyball Family.