Where have the last 10 years gone? Brian Stalker remembers London 2012

On the 10th Anniversary of the London 2012 opening ceremony ,it seems fitting we talk to one of the key Games Makers from London 2012 Brian Stalker.

Brian was based at Horse Guards Parade and was the Beach Volleyball Services Manager. Unlike the majority of the Games Makers, who only had 2 -3 weeks of action, Brian’s journey at London 2012 was over a number of months, building the team that would deliver the Beach Volleyball event, supporting the development of the site, the army of volunteers and ensuring all the pieces of the puzzle were in place to ensure the smooth running of the event. Having this responsibility meant Brian was usually first on site and last off, managing on 3 hours sleep a night during Games Time.

Brian’s lasting memory will be working with some of the most amazing, adaptable, friendly and incredible staff and volunteers.

Brian, like many of the volunteers from London 2012 continues his journey as a volunteer not just in Volleyball but also in athletics, cycling, triathlon and recently has been providing training to the volunteers that will be helping to deliver the Beach Volleyball at the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Thank you Brian for all you do as a volunteer.