Volleyball England Chairman Adam Walker's quick 6


When I asked Adam, the Chair of Volleyball England to complete the quick 6 I knew it would be a challenge because unlike me, about to enter my 5th decade as a player, coach and referee, he came to sport very recently following an extensive search to find a new chair for the association. As a volunteer he has given weeks of his time to the sport and has always been the consummate professional..

When we started the search for a new chair we weren’t looking for someone with good back court skills, we were looking for someone with strong leadership, he didn’t need to be able to float serve but needed to have an extensive knowledge of the sporting landscape and the partners that work in the network, all attributes Adam brought to Volleyball. As the Chair of the Board Adam has provided support to both the Senior Leadership Team and Board to see us through a bumpy period, his support to our Volleyball Family is something we should all be grateful for.

Now for his quick 6.

  1. How were you first introduced to Volleyball?

    I played a little bit at school and on holiday

  2. What was the most difficult skill to master on court?

    For me getting the ball over the net 😊

  3. What makes you most proud of our Volleyball Family?

    I am really proud of the VE board and Senior Leadership Team  – they are an incredible group who have done an amazing amount over the last two years.

  4. What was your greatest Volleyball achievement?

    I guess my achievement would have to be a shared one. Through the work of the board and SLT we managed to secure the financial future of the sport.  

  5. What are you missing most during the lockdown?

    To be honest I’m not missing much – I’m loving no planes, trains and automobiles

  6. What are you looking forward to most once the lockdown is over?

    Not having to do so much weeding at weekends.

Thank you Adam - now get back out in the garden!