The Foundation thank everyone for supporting our fundraising campaigns.

The aim of the Volleyball England Foundation is to give more people the opportunity to enjoy volleyball and the health and social benefits it brings.

As an charity that receives no regular funding it’s down to us to generate income.

We do this in a variety of ways:-

We recently held a Charity Auction for our ‘young people as volunteers’ campaign. The auction raised over £800, all the items were donated, thank you to those who gave and to all those who bid and won items in the auction. We are now in the process of sending the items out.

Again in support of our ‘young people as volunteers’ campaign we held a bucket collection at the National Finals at Kettering, again thank you to all those who donated we raise £250 towards the campaign.

We have distributed a number of collection pots to clubs holding events over the summer, if you would like to collect to support the Foundation at your event let us know at

Something that we haven’t tried for a while is using JustGiving for donations. We are very grateful for those who not only contributed by added gift aid to their donations. The JustGiving page for out ‘young people as volunteers’ will remain open until the end of June, if you would like to donate go to JustGiving and don’t forget to add Gift Aid.

In addition to the above we are always looking for grant funding for our campaigns. We have been successful in securing funding to support sitting volleyball and officials in the last 12 months.

If you want to support the Foundation please contact us on

Once again thank you for your support.