Women in Volleyball on International Women's Day

Did you know today, March the 8th, is International Women’s Day?

Every year, March 8 marks International Women's Day a day to celebrate the achievements of women and raise awareness about gender equality.

This year the theme is #ChooseToChallenge, something that will help to raise awareness of the work of women in your life, community- so will you #ChooseToChallenge?

Raise your hand high to show you're in #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021.

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I am really proud of how our Volleyball family reflects gender equality, we have an almost 50 /50 gender split of players registered and playing our sport for a number of years. In Sitting we have men and women mixed together in teams, enjoying the sport at all levels.

As a sport we have, and have had, women leading the sport for the last 13 years, Sue Storey having taken over from Janet Inman as CEO.

We have women doing an amazing job at all levels of the sport - The Foundation chair Simone Turner has been instrumental in the revitalisation of the Foundation and we expect great things from her and the Foundation over the next few years.

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On the Volleyball England Board , the Vice Chair Clare Francis has been invaluable to the sport, bring her professional and playing experience to the Board. Alongside her sits ex- England International Freda Bussey, a long time, hard working member of our volleyball family, her input rises from club to region, through to the Board. She has undertaken every role you can think of in volleyball, a coach, mentor,team manager, event organiser, fundraiser, many in the South East know the development in the region owes a great deal to Freda. Also sitting at on the Board is Seyram Atubra sharing her knowledge and background in insight development which has been instrumental in the development of the next VE strategy.


Everywhere you look in Volleyball there are women with key role and working to provide more opportunities for others to take part. We have a growing number of women on the stand, led by an amazing group who have held their ground over the years in an area of our sport that had been dominated by men. Keep up the good work Di Hollows and Deb Smart.


Women taking up roles as performance coaches like Maria Bertelli with the national women’s team, event organisers both indoor and on the Beach, Ade McGraa having run competitions for students for more years than I can remember and Sarah Hill contributing to our Beach programme. The Technical working group lead by Carol Gordon supporting the development of resources, Kara Griffiths, chair for West Midlands. There are numerous women coaches, team managers, welfare officers, chairs of their clubs, all supporting others to enjoy their volleyball experience.

Please take a moment to acknowledge the pivotal role women play in our sport.

Thank you to all the women in Volleyball for everything you do to support our Volleyball family.

Today to show your support place a photo on our twitter page with your hand raised and the #ChooseToChallenge.