10th Anniversary of the London 2012 Olympic Games - Carol Gordon remembers.

Did you know that on the 27th of July 2012 the London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony was held.

As we look forward to the end of this week and the opening ceremony of the 2022 Commonwealth Games we thought we would ask a few volunteers and participants about their memories of London 2012.

First up is Carol Gordon.

Carol responded to our request saying she loves a Memory Dump and to be able to talk about Volleyball and her favourite people - our Volleyball Family.

 What role did you have in 2012?

Carol told us she was the '“Services Team Manager at Earl’s Court working with some amazing volunteers. I was so proud to be part of the biggest global event of 2012. It was great to be working behind the scenes, seeing how a massive event like this is organised and run, and so delighted to be part of it and being so close to all the live action.”

Carol (in the centre of the rings) enjoying the role and the company at London 2012.

Carol told us that she is still in touch with many of the Games Makers she worked alongside, some in this country but many further afield..

Volunteering is part of Carol’s make up, in her DNA and she continues to volunteer as a coach and supporting her team mates, and enjoying every minute.


Thank you for being part of our Volleyball Family Carol.